A toolkit to support nurse educators

A new resource to help educators deliver genomics education to pre- and post-registration nurses

As genomics becomes increasingly integrated into nursing practice, there is now a requirement for all accredited training programmes to include it in their curricula.

To help educators embed genomics into their pre-registration teaching, the Genomics Education Programme (GEP), in collaboration with representatives from nursing practice, policy and education, have created the Nursing Educator’s Toolkit.

Using case studies

The toolkit uses clear and evocative case studies from patients and clinicians to demonstrate that genomics can be applied across different fields of nursing and clinical areas. The stories are split into two main sections, adult and child nursing, and include helpful descriptions so that educators can find content quickly.

Each case study is divided into sections to help signpost key touchpoints in the patient or clinician’s journey, and paragraphs are numbered to help find and reference important information before, during or after sessions.

Teaching tools

To support the case studies themselves, each webpage includes an ‘at-a-glance’ area that highlights the clinical focus of the case study, any featured nursing activities and how it aligns to the NMC standards.

The case studies are also annotated with prompts that provide guidance for educators to widen the discussion, encouraging learners to consider the implications of genomics in their practice.

Contribute to the toolkit

The toolkit has now been reviewed by nursing educators who were asked to reflect on their experience of using the resource, including its adoptability and approach, but it is hoped that it will continue to expand and evolve as the use of genomics in healthcare grows.

To achieve this goal, the GEP would like to encourage contributions from other educators to allow the resource to fully support genomics teaching across nursing. You can contact the team by email: genomicseducation@hee.nhe.uk

For more information about the toolkit, take a look at our FAQs.