Illustrated health professionals all looking for something

The #GenomicsConversation 2023 is coming

Is genomics hidden for you? Join us in June as we uncover the many ways genomics is shaping patient care

In June 2023, the annual #GenomicsConversation campaign will return for its sixth year, this time with a focus on ‘hidden genomics’. The awareness-raising week is hosted by the NHS Genomics Education Programme (GEP) and will feature stories and activities to reveal how genomics is being used across the healthcare system and uncover the unexpected places it can appear for both healthcare professionals and patients.

Uncovering genomics

Each day of the week will cover one of five key themes and a calendar of activities will be available in advance, so you won’t miss out.

Day 1: ‘Hidden genomics’: What’s that all about?

Day 2: Finding genomics: From clinic to corridor

Day 3: Hear hooves, think zebra: Health professionals’ stories

Day 4: Experts through experience: Patient stories

Day 5: Seeking support and finding out more

Health professionals are encouraged to check in daily to move through the week as a journey, learning about different areas as they go.

Getting involved

As in previous campaigns, we are inviting everyone to get involved in the #GenomicsConversation – it is only through your support that the week can continue to go from strength to strength. If you have any suggestions for an event or activity in your trust or region, please get in touch.

Follow us on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn for more information as it becomes available.