Blog articles

DNA helix with a piece separated from it in front of a light source

Trial underway for hATTR therapy

The novel ‘one off’ treatment could change the lives of those living with the condition
3D render of cancer cells

Combating cancer: POLQ inhibitors

We explore a novel treatment that could help treat cancer by preventing DNA repair in tumours

SCID gene therapy trial publishes results

This week, we look at a significant breakthrough for the treatment of severe combined immunodeficiency
Render of coronavirus, mRNA and syringe

Why mRNA vaccines aren't gene therapies

We bust another Covid-19 myth – this time about how mRNA vaccines work – in our latest blog post
Mother holding baby's hand

New gene therapy launches in the UK

Baby Arthur becomes one of the first children to benefit from the landmark SMA treatment after NHS launch
Render of a DNA helix

New drug target identified for colorectal cancer

Around 15% of colorectal cancers are resistant to standard therapies but ‘switching off’ a specific gene could offer new avenues for treatment

New gene therapy hubs announced

A network of ‘innovation hubs’ are set to advance the clinical development of novel gene therapy treatments in the UK
Man in a counselling session on the TV programme DNA Family SecretsBBC/Minnow Films

DNA Family Secrets: the science behind the show

Now the BBC series has wrapped up, we revisit some genomics talking points and think about what may have been left out by the producers and why
Adult holding baby's hand in hospital

NICE approves new SMA gene therapy

NHS England has made a deal on a new, life-saving treatment for the most severe form of the condition

Key genomic technologies of 2020: treatments old and new

In the second part of our review of the year’s genomic highlights, we look at the breakthroughs that are helping patients with rare disease and cancer
DNA being transcribed to mRNA by the RNA polymerase, and several enzymes within the nucleus of a cell

RNA-based therapies: two types explained

What are RNA therapies and how are they used? We compare the two licensed types – antisense and RNA interference – to find out more

Breakthrough in the battle against neurodegenerative disease

New genomic research could shed light on the cause of two life-limiting neurodegenerative conditions and provide targets for potential therapies and treatments