Blog articles

A historical engraving from the 17th century that depicts the Black Death in Vienna

Evolution of immunity: The genomic link between Covid-19, Crohn’s disease and the Black Death

New research shows that the same genes that helped our ancestors survive the bubonic plague are still hard at work today

Three things we learnt from the discovery of DNA’s structure

It’s 70 years since Watson and Crick proposed DNA’s structure; we look at this milestone in our understanding of the building block of life
A row of test tubes full of neon pink liquid, each with a pipette dangling above it, drips of more pink liquid about to drop into them.

Cancer vaccines: Three things you need to know

We shine a spotlight on RNA-based immunotherapies, which are fast becoming a major healthcare focus in the UK
A pair of scissors snips a section out of a double helix

Base editing: What is it and what does it mean for healthcare?

This week, we take an in-depth look at the genome-editing technology that has been making headlines worldwide
Close-up image of a leukaemia cell

Cancer therapy involving genome editing cures another child’s leukaemia

We look at a new type of CAR-T cell therapy that, in the world’s first use, has cured a child patient’s leukaemia

Genomics on the horizon: Three predictions for 2023

To kick off the new year, we look at three areas of genomics research and advancement to watch out for in 2023 and beyond
A magnifying glass placed over a double helix.

Looking back: Genomics in 2022 (part two)

In the second and final part of our round-up of 2022, we look back at some of the milestones reached this year in genomics research

News articles

An illustrated image of a magnifying glass looking at a strand of DNA

Rare Disease Day 2023

The Genomics Education Programme is playing a key role in the education of NHS staff in rare disease, a priority area in the UK Rare Diseases Framework

New horizon-scanning webinar series for 2023

The GEP has launched the first of an exciting series of expert webinars designed to create a link between academia and genomics education


LinkAGE Webinar 4: Repurposing drugs for rare disease

Welcome to the fourth of our new series of expert webinars. In this webinar Dr Hassan Shakeel will discuss computational approaches in repurposing drugs for rare disease
Chief Science Officers Webinar holding slide.

Heathcare Science Week Webinar

Healthcare science week, 13-19 March 2023, is an annual week of celebration and awareness-raising for the many careers in healthcare science
A head and shoulders shot of James Patterson

LinkAGE Webinar 2: CRISPR

Welcome to the second of our new series of expert webinars. In this second webinar Dr James Patterson will discuss CRISPR.