NHS healthcare professionals are invited to this webinar on cancer genomics, with expert insights on cancer treatment.
Join NHS’s Central and South Genomics Service for this free webinar, held during Hereditary Cancer Awareness Week. Webinar topics include the genomics of cancer as well as how genetics influence a cancer’s development, treatment, and patient care. Attendees will also hear about patient experiences and what genomic counselling can do to help someone with cancer.
Hear from experts such as Cancer Research UK’s advanced clinician scientist fellow Professor David Church and University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Trust cancer research nurse Donna Gillen. You’ll also hear from University of Southampton NHS Trust principle genetic counsellor Athalie Melville, Wessex Genomics Laboratory’s lead clinical scientist (oncology) Laura Chiecchio and patient expert Ameena Westwood.
The webinar is for any healthcare professional in any specialty wanting to know more about genomics and cancer. By the end, delegates will understand when genomic testing may be required, how to empathically guide patients through the process and how to discuss with them about inherited cancers and treatment.