19 documents

A cross-professional competency framework for communicating genomic results

A nationally agreed cross-professional competency framework to facilitate genomic testing

Competencies of the UK nursing and midwifery workforce to mainstream genomics in the National Health Service: the ongoing gap between perceived importance and confidence in genomics

Editorial: Genomics, general practice and genomic literacy

Ensuring best practice in genomics education and evaluation: reporting item standards for education and its evaluation in genomics (RISE2 Genomics)

Evaluation of two Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in genomic variant interpretation for the NHS workforce

Familial hypercholesterolaemia CPI: pathway mapping briefing paper

Genomic Education at Scale: The Benefits of Massive Open Online Courses for the Healthcare Workforce

Genomic health data generation in the UK: a 360 view

Genomics in routine clinical care: what does this mean for primary care?

Genomics: the power, potential and pitfalls of the new technologies and how they are transforming healthcare