In vivo and ex vivo gene therapies explained

Gene therapies can take place either 'in vivo' or 'ex vivo'; we compare these two approaches and their importance in gene therapy
A close-up image of a double helix

Mainstreaming whole genome sequencing: where are we now?

Genomic testing capabilities are advancing in affordability and accessibility by the day. But what is the current trajectory of whole genome sequencing in healthcare?

What's in a little variation?

Genomic variation is the root of many of our traits, including what we look like and our susceptibility to many diseases. But what is it?
Illustrated magnifying glass on striped background, with DNA double helices visible under the magnifying glass.

Can you spot the hidden genomics?

We've put together eight short healthcare scenarios where genomics may play a part. See if you can work it out, and click to reveal if you're right
Illustrated image of two health professionals in conversation

Experts through experience: Jo’s story

As part of this year’s #GenomicsConversation, patient advocate Jo shares her breast cancer journey, which began before the NHS Genomic Medicine Service was set up

All about mitochondria: Definition and disease

In the first of two blog posts about mitochondria, we explore what they are and how they can cause health conditions

Three things we learnt from the discovery of DNA’s structure

It’s 70 years since Watson and Crick proposed DNA’s structure; we look at this milestone in our understanding of the building block of life
An illustration of a multicoloured DNA strand running vertically down the centre of the image with two hands on either side of it. The hands are wearing blue surgical gloves. One hand is holding tweezers that are gripping the DNA strand and the other hand is holding a scalpel which has sliced the DNA strand.

What are genome editing and gene therapy?

Gene therapy and genome editing technologies are increasingly being reported on in the news and discussed in medical literature, but what are they?

Mendel: Influence and inheritance

We celebrate the father of genetics’ 200th birthday and explore the ways his influence still extends through to us today

Inversions explained

We dive into inversions, how they impact on health and what new research has revealed about their role in the genome
Lists of genomic bases: A, T, G and C

Repeat after me: what are repeat expansion disorders?

We learn how repeating sequences in our DNA can impact on health and how genome sequencing can make a diagnostic difference
3D render of a chain of molecule

Reading DNA - where to start?

This week, we learn all about directionality in DNA and why it matters