Blog articles

Your invaluable genome
Genomic data is the currency of a new era of medicine that promises incredible advances. Here, bioinformatician Nana Mensah explains why
News articles

Exciting future for healthcare glimpsed at Select Committee
Genomics predicted to bring better outcomes for patients and cost savings

HEE tender for Master’s programme in genomics now live
Higher education institutions are invited to submit a tender to provide HEE’s Master’s programme in genomic medicine from September 2018

Funding opportunity for east of England primary care
The EAHSN, in partnership with the East of England Genomic Medicine Centre, aims to accelerate the implementation of genomics within primary care

Master’s in Genomics Market Engagement Event
Advanced notice of intent to tender for academic Master’s programme in Genomic Medicine

NHS Health and Care Innovation Expo 2019
The NHS Health and Care Innovation Expo 2019 is focused on bringing the NHS Long Term Plan to life.