Dr Jargon 2

“Clear communication is essential when discussing genetic and…

Dr Jargon 1

“This game provides a fun, but structured way for clinicians,…

Webinar attendee 6

“This series of three webinars have been excellent. Thank you…

Webinar attendee 5

“Thank you very much – very informative webinar. Will definitely…

Webinar attendee 4

“Really inspiring session - thank you all.”

Webinar attendee 3

“All questions well answered. Shows that we have the right…

Webinar attendee 2

“Brilliant webinar - I loved the diverse roles of the spea…

Webinar attendee 1

“One of the best webinars I have ever attended and I've learnt…

Jane Laloma, GP

“The family history tool is so useful. My pedigree drawing…

NHS Digital, data analysis

"Excellent introductory course".

Trainee nursing associate

"I thoroughly enjoyed playing the game. I learnt a lot and it…

Clinical educator

“Definitely a good learning tool for nurses at all levels.…