Almost a miracle: gene-edited cells that can cure cancer

Since Layla Richards was cured of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, attention has turned to the possibilities of genome engineering 

Huntington disease and the potential of gene silencing

Will genomic therapy be the key to treating one of the UK's most devastating degenerative diseases?

Personalised medicine will be at the heart of the future NHS

The future of the NHS will be a personalised medicine service with genomics at its core, according to a new strategy adopted by NHS England

Data: the heart of personalised medicine

With genomics high on the agenda, international initiatives bring together healthcare and technology to better understand complex information

Progress for personalised cancer therapies

Thanks to a wave of research projects, genomics is beginning to unravel the complexities of cancer and guide treatment for patients

The growing importance of genomics for rare disease

Genomic technologies are paving the way for new diagnoses, treatments and therapy for patients with rare and ultra-rare disease

The role of genomics in assisted reproduction

As medical understanding of genetic variation increases, genomic technologies are providing hope for assisted reproduction

Clinical interpretation: when is a variant a mutation?

Genome sequencing produces volumes of valuable data, but what are the challenges of interpretation that gives practitioners the answers they need?

Finding needles in haystacks: making sense of genomic data

Sequencing the genome is just the start; interpreting the sequence is the next big challenge

Sequencing cancer DNA - what are the issues?

Whole genome sequencing can reveal vast amounts about how cancer cells work, but the process of discovery is not without challenges

How to handle hospital-acquired infections with genomics

Technology used to analyse the human genome can be applied to infective agents to identify and track the outbreak

Unexpected genomic findings: who wants to know?

A ground-breaking survey on health professionals, researchers and the public's attitudes towards genomics raises some important questions