Returning between Friday 22–Saturday 23 November 2024, RAREfest24 by the Cambridge Rare Disease Network is a free event for everyone of all ages.
Marketed as “A festival as unique as you are”, the two-day event puts a spotlight on rare disease. RAREfest24 consists of hands-on exhibits, interactive talks, music, performance, films and stunning research-inspired art. Discover the latest in innovative science and cutting-edge technology. Meet and hear from leading researchers, technology innovators, treatment pioneers and individuals with rare conditions. In addition, delegates from the following organisations will be in attendance: Cambridge University, Wellcome Genome Campus, Microsoft Research Cambridge, LifeArc, Medics 4 Rare Diseases, NHS East Genomics, NIHR Bioresource and more.
Separate tickets (free) for Friday’s launch event and Saturday’s exhibition can be obtained online via the website. To see what’s in store, take a look at the RAREfest22 highlights film (YouTube, 2.5 minutes).