Guidance and messaging to help you get the most from this year’s genomics week of action

The seventh annual #GenomicsConversation campaign will take place between 24 and 28 June 2024, and we expect it to be the biggest and best week of action yet! This year, the event will focus on the many journeys of genomics – including those undertaken by patients and healthcare professionals alike.

Remember, you don’t need to know everything about genomics, but the right level of knowledge and confidence will make a huge difference in your practice. So join us, and let’s talk genomics!

If you want to learn more about the week, you can read our FAQs below.

Themes for the week

Monday 24 June

Are we there yet? Genomics in the NHS

Tuesday 25 June

Pioneers and explorers: Navigating genomics

Wednesday 26 June

Ticket to ride: Patient experiences

Thursday 27 June

Uncharted journeys: What lies ahead

Friday 28 June

To boldly go: Chart your own genomics journey

How can I get involved?

We really appreciate your support in ensuring that our message reaches the whole healthcare workforce. Why not try some of the activities below, or come up with your own? Remember to link in your activities with the daily themes.

  • Produce an audio interview, vlog or blog with a genomics specialist or a healthcare professional who has been on their own genomics journey – perhaps they came across genomics late in their career and followed a new path. We’d love to see as many professions and workforce areas as possible represented throughout the week.
  • Facilitate an interview with a healthcare professional who has recently learned about genomics. How might their professional journey change in light of this new information?
  • Host a session of our Genomics Game. You could even set up a competition between different teams in your trust or region.
  • Take over a trust social media account for a day or even the whole week. We can supply you with messages to post if you need support.
  • Facilitate masterclass events for a specific workforce group, such as nursing and midwifery. These could feature expert speakers with the aim of educating your audience about the different genomics career paths available.
  • Run webinars, presentations or Q&A videos aimed at a particular workforce group. Our website is full of educational content to help support a memorable session.

Remember to keep us updated so that we can share news of your planned activities across our networks.

Social media, images and the #hashtag

Please include the #GenomicsConversation hashtag in all your posts about the week and, of course, please add any other relevant hashtags, for example, #genomics, #genetics, #FutureNHS, #TeamCNO, #GenomicsInMidwifery, #NHSMidwives, #HealthVisitors, #pharmacy etc…

Remember to tag @genomicsedu in your posts on Twitter/X so that we can like and share your content.

You are welcome to use any of our campaign images for your posts, which are free to download from our Flickr album.

Sample messages

Here are some sample messages that you could post in the run-up to and during the #GenomicsConversation week. Please consider your audience when choosing which post to use or adapt.

Non-targeted posts (where no professional group is mentioned)

Save the date! Join us from 24 to 28 June 2024 for the #GenomicsConversation week of action. We’ll be embarking on a journey through #genomics in the #NHS, looking at how far we’ve come and at the people who make it possible:

Join us for the #GenomicsConversation between 24 and 28 June 2024. This year we’re going on a #genomics journey, from early sequencing to mass testing, and meeting the people who are making it happen: 

#GenomicsConversation 2024 is coming! Join us from 24 to 28 June, when we will look at the journey of #genomics in the #NHS so far and the direction of travel in the future: 

Who are the people making #genomics part of the #NHS? Find out about their #genomics journeys during this year’s #GenomicsConversation, from 24 to 28 June:

Join the next #GenomicsConversation from 24 to 28 June 2024, as we explore the journey of #genomics into routine #NHS care and meet the people who have led the way:

Are you looking for ways to learn more about #genomics? Join the #GenomicsConversation in June, when @genomicsedu will help you chart your own genomics journey:

How can genomics impact a patient journey? During the #GenomicsConversation, we will find out how patient experiences have changed as a result of #genomics. Join us in June to find out more: 

Want to get clued up on the questions you might encounter from colleagues or patients as part of their #genomics journey? Join @genomicsedu this June for the #GenomicsConversation:

I’m joining the #GenomicsConversation in June with @genomicsedu, to learn about #genomics and its journey into routine #NHS care: 

Targeted posts (where the profession is mentioned - for example, nurses, midwives, pharmacists, GPs)

Tip: Don’t forget to add your profession-specific hashtags to help boost your message!

Most of us have heard of #genetics in [insert profession], but what about #genomics? Join the #GenomicsConversation from 24 to 28 June and learn about its journey into routine NHS care:  @genomicsedu #genomics

Think #genomics isn’t relevant to you? [Insert profession], learn more about those pioneering #genomics in the NHS and join the #GenomicsConversation: 

#Genomics is increasingly relevant in [insert profession] Join @genomicsedu in June and meet the healthcare professionals who are incorporating genomics into their practice: #GenomicsConversation

Between 24 and 28 June is #GenomicsConversation week – a time for [insert profession] to learn about #genomics and its role in #PatientCare. Find out what’s happening here:  @genomicsedu

Calling all [insert profession]! How can #genomics impact your patient’s journey? Join @genomicsedu in June to hear how patient experiences have changed as a result of #genomics:

Join @genomicsedu this June to learn the basics and get prepared to talk #genomics to your colleagues or patients: #GenomicsConversation

[Insert profession], are you looking for ways to learn more about #genomics? Join the #GenomicsConversation in June, where you can chart your own genomics journey:

This week is all about talking genomics. [Insert profession], join @genomicsedu to find out why genomics conversations are relevant in your practice and what you need to know: #GenomicsConversation


We answer some common questions about this year’s #GenomicsConversation week

What is the #GenomicsConversation week?

The #GenomicsConversation week is an annual awareness-raising campaign, which takes place each year. During the week, we feature a variety of informative and engaging activities for healthcare professionals to access and join in. The goal is to uncover the many ways genomics is now shaping patient care and increase healthcare professionals’ familiarity with the topic.

When will it be taking place?

This year’s #GenomicsConversation week will take place between 24–28 June 2024.

Who organises the #GenomicsConversation week?

The #GenomicsConversation week is co-ordinated by NHS England’s National Genomics Education Programme, but events or activities can be organised by anyone and are encouraged.

Our partners come from all NHS workforce groups and have one key aim: to raise awareness of genomics in healthcare. The growth and continuing success of the week is in no small part thanks to our partners and the enthusiasm of participants.

Who are the activities/events targeted at?

The activities are designed for any health professional who would like to learn a little, or a lot, about genomics and how it is becoming a part of routine practice.

Not everyone needs to know everything about genomics – but the right level of knowledge can make a huge difference to how we communicate with colleagues and patients. So, let’s talk genomics!

Where do the activities take place?

Many of the activities taking place during the week will be online and promoted through social media. Our primary account for posting during the week is @genomicsedu on Twitter/X. Some of our partners may hold regional face-to-face events; these will be advertised through their social media platforms or websites. We encourage use of the #GenomicsConversation hashtag so that content is easier to find and access.

Can I download #GenomicsConversation week images for use in my social media posts and promotional material?

Yes, you can. Our library of images for the week can be found on our Flickr channel.

I have a question that isn’t covered in this FAQs. Can you help?

Of course! You can contact us at any time by emailing the team.

Let’s continue the conversation

If you have been inspired by our #GenomicsConversation week, why not continue the conversation with your colleagues or patients? Please remember to share any events and activities planned for the weeks or months following the week so we can all continue to talk genomics.

Need more help or support with your genomics activities? Please feel free to send our team a message.